
A Complete ERP Solution for Print Businesses

PrintXpand, a complete ERP solution for printers is a simple and efficient solution to set and manage all activities of your business cycle. Establish a perfect flow between your customers' art, print and stock departments with our Printing ERP solution. PrinXpand streamlines all your print stages including price estimating, quotation, order confirmation, automated generation of job cards for production, and the final delivery.

Key Features

Key Features 1

Inventory Manager

Manage your inventory operations and make sure your stock is up to date. Now, streamline all your operations like multi-channel eCommerce, warehouse management and keep your inventory up-to-date, and cost minimized.

Print Job Manager

Now no more manual job creations with PrintXpand ERP and achieve 20X faster efficiency in your print workflow. Get increased deliveries, productions, profitability on short-run jobs, and decreased idle machine times, print waste, and human errors.

Quotation Manager

Accept quote requests, process and mail them to your clients in real-time and be more accessible. With an easy to use send accurate print estimates to win more conversions!

Order Manager

Manage all your order channels efficiently, and manage those orders from the back-end for reduced duplicate and manual tasks. Now resolve order errors, easily reorder, and overall streamline your order process.

QR Code Scanning

Now scan and stay up to date with your print stages with QR code scanning. Define different print stages, Print job stickers with QR code and easily execute orders for on time delivery and efficiently.

Progress Reports

Track your print management cycle with five different types of progress reports in our PrintXpand Software Solution. Get all the micro details required to make it easy to track your print progress, avoid redundant tasks, and deliver ontime.

Advanced Dashboard

For a quick glimpse of how things are going on in your print cycle, there' a quick dashboard view. With visual charts, and reports it becomes easy to get a quick idea. You can also customize your dashboard as per your requirements!

Key Features 2